Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Key to Getting Leaner

A lean, muscular body is something that a lot of people desire. However, there is a formula to building lean muscle mass and it takes a little more than dieting and doing a couple of curls. If you want to change your body by building lean muscle, the first thing you need to do is realize that it will require a complete lifestyle change. The second thing you need to do is finishing reading this article. 

If you want lean muscle you have to eat for it. You can exercise until you're blue in the face but without the proper diet it would all be for naught. Cut out all of the fast food and junk food. Many people think it's okay to eat junk food occasionally and with other diets that may be true but not when you're trying to get lean muscle. A muscle building diet is high in protein and full of dark green vegetable. Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large meals will also be better for building muscle.

You should also eat more calories. Fuel is needed for your body to get more muscular. Food is what provides that energy. A lot of people thinking taking in more calories will just slow down their efforts to bulk up that that is not true. Not eating enough could cause you to lose muscle.

Of course exercise is important. But the type of exercise you do is even more important. One of the best things for people who hope to build muscle is free weights. Free weights are more versatile and give you more range; which is important when building muscles. They also help promote proper form.

Multi- joint exercises are very important when it comes to building muscle mass. Free weights make multi-joint exercises easier. They help build muscles by allowing you do to double, and sometimes triple, the work in a shorter time. Spending a long time working out is going to be counterproductive. So it's best to do as much as you can in the shortest time and that is what multi-joint exercises are all about.

You must make sure you stay hydrated. The majority of people think drinking 64 ounces of water is enough but for most people it is not. Some people also drink with some Pre-workout Supplements. To find out how much water you should drink find out how much half of your body weight is. You need to drink that much in water each day. If you work out heavily then had a little more.

Lastly you need sleep. Getting in shape takes time and dedication. You'll have to find time to work out and cook and go shopping and invest in workout needs such as the pre-workout pump. But it still important to get at least eight hours of sleep each day because it is during sleep that the new muscles grow.

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